How to delete notes in evernote

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pFindStr | text | RegEx Pattern to Find.METHOD: Uses ASObjC RegEx (which is based on ICU Regex) PURPOSE: Change ALL Occurances of pFindStr into pReplaceStr in pSourceStr On regexChange(pFindStr, pReplaceStr, pSourceStr) - VER: 2.0 Set bodyNewHTML to my regexChange(reFind, '', bodyHTML) Use AppleScript version '2.5' - El Capitan (10.11) or later property ptyScriptName : 'Remove Last User Text Line from Evernote Note' Please let us know if this works for you, or you have questions/issues. But it should be good enough to get you started. NOTE: I am still testing the RegEx for this, so this should be considered BETA/DRAFT version. This AppleScript will remove the last user line. 21:47 GMT-6REF: How can I remove the last line of a note in evernote?This is a test.OnetwothreeThis is the last line where X>Y, A